Friday, 11 January 2013

Cloud (summ)arise 2012!

2012 was a remarkable year for me in social media. I’ve gained more than 1 000 followers…without any follow back strategy. More than 10’ visitors on the blog and good traffic and sharing on GP’s around the web. Not bad for a rookie I think. Big THANK YOU to all readers, supporters and followers. I truly appreciate it. And by the way… what a remarkable year it was for Cloud Computing.

And by the way...what a remarkeable year it was for Cloud Computing. Who’s not impressed by true cloud…when it makes sense, fulfill needs and works like it’s supposed to?

This is my cloud, and a bit of IT Ooutsourcing and management, summary for 2012.

Wednesday, 9 January 2013

Enterprises Achilles' heel in Cloud computing

Below is my comment to the post Cloud computing's Achilles' heel: Poor customer service by David Linthicum (@DavidLinthicum) on InfoWorld yesterday.

Short break out from Davids post:
"These days, larger enterprises are investing in public clouds, and they're accustomed to real people talking to them on the phone, account managers in their offices, and cell numbers for support engineers on call around the clock. In other words, they want public cloud providers to offer the same level of customer service as the larger

Friday, 4 January 2013

MMind ad on

Published a MMind ad on the Swedish site (in Västerås):

Hope it will bring some local business. :)

Till er tjänst

Nytt år! Är ni i behov av en extra resurs i ett projekt för projektledning, koordinering eller dokumentering? Behöver ni stöd i en försäljning- eller upphandlingsprocess? Eller ett föredrag om IT-moln på ett lunchseminarium? Kontakta gärna mig. Jag har gedigen erfarenhet inom IT Outsourcing, IT som tjänst och moln av såväl tjänsteutveckling, storytelling, projektledning och avtalsarbeten. Kort startsträcka från en driven, kvalitetsmedveten, målinriktad uppskattad person som vet att värdet för konsumenten är nyckeln till lyckade IT-affärer.


    Läs gärna mer på

    Wednesday, 2 January 2013

    Happy 2013!

    A humongous 2012 THANK YOU to all my readers, followers and supporters!
    Happy 2013!

    “May all your cards be live, and your pots be monsters.”

    GP on

    My first and hopefully not the last guest post on Maildistiller is out: Cloud Price War Consequences

    Special thank you to: Sarah-Louise, Caroline & Danielle

    Short break out:
    Cash is King

    Yes, in a sellout price war world. Cash when it comes to services means long-term agreements. One of the fundamentals in cloud is the ability to move between CSPs, irrelevant of the reason why. Pay upfront, when it comes to IT services, is not cloud friendly: it’s a