I’m getting a bit tired of myself in this subject know so I won’t write another article in my “crusade”, my attack against thee windmill BYOD. So this will be my last windmill attack (Don Quijote). I might comment some posts though.
In this last post attacking BYOD I will also defend it.
My biggest concerns with BYOD are:
- When it becomes an employer demand that you should bring it and no longer is a possibility.
- Who are able to bring their devices – “the cool guys”?
- Will the support contract connected to your device be equal to keeping your employment or not?
- The IMHO administrative mess.
- Why people should bring devices. Don’t employers earn the money to provide it, isn’t that included in budget? Shouldn’t then the employer get paid and the company board higher the company revenue demand?
With these bullets I stop the main attack. But please keep them in mind.
Other people’s concerns seems to be more at risks like management systems, company data access on private devices and how to access the company services. My opinion; these are all techniques and policies issues which can be solved.
I know BYOD...
- ...can be good when using independent contractors.
- ...are important to people so they have the possibility to access company services and data from any device from anywhere whether or not the device is owned by the company or not.
- ...can be good to be an attractive and modern employer.
I also think this is good and important and I know I can’t keep attacking. My main purpose is to be aware of possible consequences not to be retrogressive against evolution like consumerization.
My stand is still; Provide the users with the equipment they need to fulfill their tasks at a glance. You can do this with a CYOD (Choose Your Own Device) model instead of BYOD. Set up an ending list of 20-30* devices the user can choose from and do pay for it. User’s should not get a curtain amount of money or buy it with its own. BYOD might be the legacy name but Bring is bring and to me not enough well thought-out so I do like Choose more.
*Ex 10 computers, 3 thin clients, 7 pads, 10 smartphones. All from different vendors and with OS-platforms.
- Management team should think wisely before saying go. This is not a CIO decision. CIO’s concern is to do the possibility possible. CxO’s have the greater responsibility to decide whether this is good for the company, the employees and the IT department or not.
- Decide; CYOD or BYOD. CYOD as standard and B as a supported possibility but no support of the device itself?
- Set up a clear and non-doubtable policy.
- Give the CIO the mission to establish a well working xYOD.
- Virtual Apps and desktops
- Security
- Management
- Administration
- Give the rest of the CxO and managers the mission to implement xYOD. It’s not only a CIO mission; HR and Finance are definitely important stakeholders and sponsors to a well working xYOD.
BYOD, UYOD, CYOD or whatever you might call it isn't a technical decision, issue or thing or decision it's a company decision, policy and mind set. Do it well.
Let the windmill swivel free and “give the guy a device and a virtual desktop"!
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