Tuesday, 29 May 2012

S'il vous plait, please habla Deutsch!

My first post on Outsource Magazine: S'il vous plait, please habla Deutsch!Or; try to keep it somehow simple and speak the same language as the customer.

Short breakout:

"One of the most annoying definitions right now is (IMHO) "co-sourcing". Be honest now: who do you think can deliver IT services or IT outsourcing without co-operation, partnership and divided and joint responsibilities? If those days ever existed they’re gone now. There is nothing odd in dividing functions in an IT outsourcing as long as you write it down on a paper like

Monday, 28 May 2012

Columnist on Outsource Magazine

I'm very happy to tell: As from today I'm writing as a columnist on the UK Outsource Magazine site. I will concentrate on IT outsourcing and publish about one post a month.

Since about two months I publish Cloud related posts on KnowYourCloud.

My special thoughts will remain here on In Max Mind.

All posts, comments on other sites etc will as always be linked up from here.

Please contact me on Twitter or mail (see About) if there's something you would like to have a comment on or read about as an article.



Friday, 25 May 2012

Facebook...trick & treat

Facebook owners made one of the most perfect things; they sold their treat  when they knew the value of the treat wouldn't rise any higher. Problem is that they tricked all the investors and gets away with it. The weird thing; the investors wasn't able to analyze and anticipate it.

Was this the Facebook phenomena peak? Going down from now?

Thursday, 24 May 2012

Comment to 'Private Cloud: 'Everyone's got one. Where's yours?''

Commented the ZDNet post Private Cloud: 'Everyone's got one. Where's yours?' by Lauren Nelson.

When I was almost finished with the comment I realized it was more pointed to internal IT than cloud washing in general... I hope I was able to tweak it ok.

Short break out:
"Today, cloudwashing is prevalent. But it isn’t always intentional. In fact many truly believe they’ve got a true cloud — especially those using a pre-packaged private cloud software solution. But once you look under the hood it’s hard to miss.

Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Update about the garden wall’s

So what happened with the garden wall’s I wrote about in the post ‘My friend Mikael, the carpenter…’?

“Yesterday I talked to Mikael about building two walls in the garden. I asked him: “Do you think one bag of concrete (20-25 kg mix) is good enough for each pole?” Mikael: “Nooo…. You know, when the wind starts to blow… its quite powerful… you should dig quite deep and use quite a lot of concrete. But, don’t you have something to fasten and secure it to, like…the house?” Me: “Yes,

Tuesday, 22 May 2012

Response to a Twitter Q from @opendatacenter

My response to a twitter Q from @opendatacenter about Info Security’s post Security is driving Cloud adoption.

Here are a couple of reasons SMB’s might trust cloud more than Ent (no specific order):
  1. SMB’s has shorter way to decision and policy changes.
  2. SMB’s hasn’t same expensive and heavy solutions to drop (kill darlings)

Monday, 14 May 2012

20 #CloudWisdoms

Since I started to twitter and blog I’ve published #CloudWisdoms. They’re ones which crossed my mind from now and then. They’re in different forms, some of them as Q’s and some of them maybe a bit “author novice”. From 1 – 20 in no special order more than a time line; please enjoy and hope you just think of one or two in the future when you think of cloud.
Pst….sccchhh…but…sometimes I kind of repeat and sometimes I really don’t know what I mean…#10…Sorry… ;) But; I haven’t modified one of them.
So…here goes:

#CloudWisdom 1-5

- Those who understand the customers´ pains and needs and who can act the organizer to meet these have an excellent position.

Sunday, 13 May 2012

On KnowYourCloud: The Successful Cloud Lock-in!

My opposite to the earlier The Devastating Cloud Lock-in: The Successful Cloud Lock-in! is now available on KnowYourCloud.

Short break out:
 "The differences lie in factors such as governance, service management and support.You might think this applies only to the IT outsourcing providers, but it’s not. Even if cloud services shouldn’t be drowned with governance models, cloud service providers and aggregators must present an extra value to their service. Here are some “common sense” guidelines that will help you to maintain a successful cloud lock-in..."
The Successful Cloud Lock-in!


Friday, 11 May 2012

My comment to 'Can You Retrieve Your Data After Terminating Your Contract?'

Commented the post Can You Retrieve Your Data After Terminating Your Contract? on CloudTweaks by Balaji Viswanathan.

Short break out:
"Put simply, can you easily retrieve your data stored in the cloud to enable you to move from one service to another? This is a question that is worrying CIOs around the world. Unlike typical outsourcing services, retrieving your data from the cloud is not a straightforward thing. CIO.com recently posted an excellent article on this which raises some important questions. In this post, I will try to offer some insight into the topic."
My comment:
"I think some of the scenarios are quite ”aggressive” and most probably quite rare. Even if cloud tempts “gold diggers” like the Wild Wild West (www? Ooops! ;)) most CSP’s won’t go bankrupt. And most companies

Thursday, 10 May 2012

#CloudWisdom 20

Did you read the terms and conditions?

A: You should, pretty well.

Sunday, 6 May 2012

A comment to: Don't be so trigger-happy for a remote wipe

Commented the post Don't be so trigger-happy for a remote wipe on InfoWorld by Galen Gruman (@MobileGalan).

Short break out:
"But too many in IT are overly eager to pull the remote-wipe trigger. It's a serious weapon, the equivalent of a neutron bomb being set off in an iPad, iPhone, Android device, Mac, or -- with third-party tools today and a new OS this fall -- Windows PC. Like any tool with such overwhelming capabilities, it should be used with caution.
My a bit frustrated ;) comment:
Sorry but isn't the point that you can use a MDM system to do backups (scheduled or not), lock before wipe, set special policies etc?! Not to discuss whether or not it was stupid of the guy to let his daughter use the phone or if it was a poor example?! 
The purpose with the article is good. Of course you need to do wipe sometimes but not always. I agree with Mike Carmack; it is an InfoSec issue. The company policy rules and it should be well informed in the organization. But policies can as everything else evolve so - no, maybe it doesn't have to be that way. 
Problem do exist with MDM systems, or rather the devices and OS's: all different ifs and buts on different devices and OS's. I'm also looking forward to a MDM system which for real can handle phones, tablets and PC's. Today there's a gap. Next SCCM?

Short comment to '10 Predictions for What the CIO Role Will Look Like in 2020'

I wrote a short comment to the post 10 Predictions for What the CIO Role Will Look Like in 2020 by John Brandon (@jmbrandonbb) on CIO.

Short breakout:
"What will the job of CIO be like in the year 2020? In many ways, the answer is already clear: The IT leader will still be the nucleus of any company, working closely with business executives and strategizing about future technology directions, leading a staff of highly trained professionals and championing streamlined technical operations. The position will still require a mix of analytical foresight and management prowess over the next decade."
My short comment:
"Wise predictions. 
Not sure #7 will be a fact by then. But I've been talking about this... So, either I want to replace the #7 or add a #10b or #11: Trusted advisor. The CIO needs to be supported by trusted advisors to make the correct decisions."

Wednesday, 2 May 2012

The Devastating Cloud Lock-in...

...is my latest post on KnowYourCloud. Please read and comment.

Short break out from The Devastating Cloud Lock-in:
"3 – The emotional lock-in. Dangerous one. You are really not technically or legally locked in, but you know, assume or just feel that you have put too much effort, work or money into adopting or using the service than you think you should have. Get out of there as soon as possible. It’s gambling in Vegas… “Ok, just 100$…then I stop…It will be my last bet…”"
