Thursday, 24 May 2012

Comment to 'Private Cloud: 'Everyone's got one. Where's yours?''

Commented the ZDNet post Private Cloud: 'Everyone's got one. Where's yours?' by Lauren Nelson.

When I was almost finished with the comment I realized it was more pointed to internal IT than cloud washing in general... I hope I was able to tweak it ok.

Short break out:
"Today, cloudwashing is prevalent. But it isn’t always intentional. In fact many truly believe they’ve got a true cloud — especially those using a pre-packaged private cloud software solution. But once you look under the hood it’s hard to miss.
These self-proclaimed private clouds often use pieces of the management and automation capabilities but aren’t using the full functionality of these solutions. The most common mistakes?
My comment:

Lately I've posted a couple of posts about cloudwashing ('Cloud Washing - Don't End Up Washing Your IT with False Clouds' on KnowYourCloud) and if it really matters ('Cloud washing...does it REALLY matter' on my own blog InMaxMind). From the customer perspective: I think the biggest problem is if you THINK you adopted a cloud service but soon realize it is washed and you're in some way locked in. On the other hand; if you know what you're doing and the service fulfill your need it really doesn't matter - but DON'T call it cloud then, there's no need. The problem is that most (non IT pro etc) people can't "judge" before it's too late...and you shouldn't have to be able to judge if the declaration and name of the service says CLOUD. As a cloud adopter you really have to read the T&C's well - it's your responsibility. Consult an advisor or broker if you can't do it on your own.

I strongly agree with "You're cutting yourself short on what you could achieve with this environment while losing credibility with the business and your peers." If the customer (internal or external) experience is like above (washed) you as a CSP or internal IT department will lose credibility.

Don't call it cloud if it doesn't meet the NIST definition.

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