There's really a lot of buying and fusions now and during the last year. Latest is
Dell buying Quest and
VMware buying DynamicOps. All the big ones; Microsoft, IBM, Citrix, VMware, Cisco, Google, Oracle, EMC and so on, buys A LOT. Is this good? Was the intention of the bought companies
from the very beginning to be bought? Is it good for customers/consumers? Are the market/needs faster and broader than the big ones core and innovation? Will the bought company (or actually technique/service, maybe patent) implement and work well? Will it block other company's innovation because the bought technique/service isn't longer "available"? Is it just a buyer's race? A buyers race to prevent competitors to succeed more than actually improve their own service/offer - to more prevent others to get market shares than really get them their own. Really can't tell more than; competition is good and I don't know if these behaviors really encourage it and provide the best services to the market.
Just one of those in Max mind...