Thursday, 12 July 2012

Short comment to ZDNet-post

Yesterday I wrote a short comment to the post Why too many cloud relationships turn sour on ZDNet by Manek Dubash.

Short breakout:
"About half the negotiations revolve around issues such as people, governance, processes, and compliance. "It used to be all about just the technology," Corbelli said. "Now it's about who you are, your culture, your reason for being, the peer-to-peer relationship. People want to know if you can be trusted, if you're on the same wavelength. They want to feel that their CFO can call your CFO and talk to them as equals." 
The reason for the extra caution and pickiness isn't hard to find. "These are hard issues. The technology is fraught with issues," he said. "People have tried to manage inhouse for years but have decided to look at an outside service. That's all shrink-wrapped around the SLA and other agreements.""
My, self-commercial, comment:
"It's not a fun online game where you have to accept a simple T&C. Its professional business we're talking about therefore we have to act professional. This means we need to start reading T&C (since it's more about T&C than signing agreements and negotiation when it comes to public cloud services), check for references and asking questions to make cloud a sweet experience and relationship for both customers and cloud service providers. Sorry for making this comment a bit "self-commercial" but during the spring I've posted some posts about successful and devastating cloud lock-ins on KnowYourCloud (, where I also will post some compliance posts during the coming months. It's all about being aware, great governance and service management."

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