Friday, 28 December 2012

Part 3 in the Cloud Compliance series

My latest post, Part 3, in the Cloud Compliance series is out on Newvem. Please enjoy
Cloud Compliance: Part 3 – Choosing the Right (IaaS) Cloud Service Provider
Short break out:
In this part we will dig a bit deeper and detail the standards and regulations that some of the most common infrastructure (IaaS) Cloud Service Providers (CSPs) comply with and are certified for. CSPs are not always obliged to follow all regulations, but normally they have procedures to make their consumer cloud compliant. We also look at four of the IaaS giants

Friday, 21 December 2012

Enjoy Christmas!

I want to wish all readers, friends, followers and future business partners (to MMind) a Merry Christmas.

Here some wiseguys to follow (Twitter) 2013:

@jg21 @IanBergin @Maildistiller @joemckendrick @pbouillaud @IT_ToddNielsen @KnowYourCloud @RuV @TrolleSchultz @comparethecloud @christianve @diversetips @RuV @RazorThornLTD @SBLTD @IAmOnDemand @ReneBuest @simonlporter @utollwi @DavidLinthicum @CloudTweaks @RonVokoun @mthiele10 @pcalento @benkepes

If you miss one of Santa's reindeer's you know what happened... ;)

The reindeer Christmas horn is ready for are we.

Enjoy Christmas everyone! I will! :)

Short one on my mind... Instagram

Whether you like Instagram or not. Whether you like free services or not. Whether you care about privacy etc. or not.

When you p off or worry your customer you're in trouble, especially when it's a free service...

Thursday, 20 December 2012

My Cloud 2013 predictions

My Cloud 2013 predictions is out on Newvem: The Cloud is dead! Long live the Cloud!

Short break out:
  • We don’t see cloud as a problem. You adopt a cloud service if it fits your business. You install a system/application as part of your on-premise solution if it fits your business. You make them work together; there are some orchestrating apps and people for that.
  • It’s not an internal love affair between cloud service providers. It’s not even a love affair between cloud service providers and engaged IT Pros, evangelists, and journalists anymore. A sweet lasting smell of love is obviously starting to arise between cloud services and IT departments and non-IT business people.
  • The transfer of legacy

Monday, 17 December 2012

My a bit clumsy comment to 'Is Desktop Virtualization The Way To Go?'

I commented the post Is Desktop Virtualization The Way To Go? by Abdul Salam on CloudTweaks last week.

Short break out:
"So now let us look a little deeper on what desktop virtualization brings to the table. 
Here are some of the most notable benefits:
  • Global access through any device that can connect to the internet and have display and input functions like smartphones and tablets.
  • Most virtual desktop solutions also support local storage drives and printers, while others might use some local processing power like graphics and sound processing.
  • Allows for quick integration, upgrade, and change of applications for select user groups, individuals, and globally.
  • Enhance security and data integrity plus easy backup solutions. Minimize data theft

Friday, 14 December 2012

Is the "Facebook- and Twitterization" of LinkedIn a threat to LinkedIn?

Published on my LinkedIn profile:

Is the "Facebook- and Twitterization" of LinkedIn a threat to LinkedIn? Endorsement, recruitment inquiries (SPAM) in a discussion, "Agree comments" (SPAM?) filling your mailbox, connections you have no true connection too etc. Will you stop responding to discussions because of "spam" or isn't it a problem for you? What do you think?

Open to discuss here too! ;)

Friday, 7 December 2012

Security – in, from and with the Cloud

My post Security – in, from and with the Cloud on ITBusinessCloud


Security – in, from and with the Cloud

Security is one of the hottest topics when it comes to obstacles of adopting cloud services. Maybe we theatrically should “tear this wall down”, de-dramatize it, without tearing the importance of good security down – because it is important!

One type?

No, there are several different types of security services related to cloud. Examples:

  1. Security within a cloud service which has another purpose than delivering security, for instance an email service. The security in this type of services is to protect your data from other people or systems, not being harmed by malware, backed up and the ability to be restored etc.
  2. Security as a Service delivered as a cloud service which you can adopt to your existing on-premise solution. Examples:
    • Encryption
    • SPAM and Malware protection
    • Firewalls
  3. Audit tools/services who will audit the vulnerability within, to and around your cloud service (No. 1 & 2 above).
  4. Consulting audit services. Pretty much like No. 3 but performed by humans and normally gives you a report how to act on a problem given by No. 3. 
This is on a high level what security in the cloud is about. No. 2, 3 and 4 normally works fine. People don’t fear security in services delivered from well-known security services providers. No. 2 might be a bit problematic to adapt to services delivered from other vendors but API’s, integration services and true co-op between CSP’s (Cloud Service Provider) will solve this better in the future. No. 1 is the wall needed to be de-dramatized and torn down…

Fear = out of your control

The highest obstacle to pass is

Thursday, 29 November 2012

Collection 2 of great posts

It's time for my second collection of great posts. These four are, according to me, connected to each other in two ways: career and orchestration. I will link each post up, give you a short break out and add a short comment of mine.

First, when reading; think about how you can be a part of future IT, in the cloud, in hybrid solutions. Customers, whether to an IT department an ITO, MSP or appl operator,  need support from someone they can trust, their IT need to be orchestrated not only techy, its needed to be orchestrated on all levels

Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Collection of great posts

Some great and even important posts from yesteraday. You should read them to, it might be good for your business or career.

IT sourcing models are shifting: A Deloitte perspective by Karl Flinders (@karlfl). Short break out:
""Are we witnessing the death of the 'mega-deal'? Is it going to get even tougher for the traditional one-stop-shop IT Outsourcing (ITO) houses? Why are so many organisations re-thinking traditional sourcing models all at the same time?

Tuesday, 20 November 2012

A collection of comments

This is a collection of the comments I've posted today on a couple of sites. Most important one is No. 3. It's time we put pressure and demand true professionalism. New business opportunity in No. 2 - go ahead, time for action.

Comment 1: Commented: Employees Engage in Rogue Cloud Use Regardless of Security Policies

My long comment to: CIOs Say Corporate Directors Are Clueless About IT

Read the post CIOs Say Corporate Directors Are Clueless About IT by Kim S. Nash on CIO a couple of days ago. And it made me bit upset.

Short breakout:
Even as companies are relying more on technology to come up with innovative business models and fresh ideas for finding new revenue, many boards of directors don't understand enough about IT to keep up. Few CIOs sit on boards and, according to PricewaterhouseCoopers, just 1 percent of directors have any technology background at all.

David Linthicums 'Cloud computing: The semi-secret economic equalizer'

Interesting read: Cloud computing: The semi-secret economic equalizer by David Linticum on InfoWorld.

Short breakout:
"As the study illustrates, the cost efficiencies of cloud computing are the same in third-world countries as in the developed world, and up-and-coming nations can leverage data, applications, and infrastructure that were once cost prohibitive. In turn, this increases

Commented: Employees Engage in Rogue Cloud Use Regardless of Security Policies

I posted a comment to the post Employees Engage in Rogue Cloud Use Regardless of Security Policies by Thor Olavsrud on CIO.

Short breakout:
"Employees are increasingly turning to the cloud to get their work done, whether IT has a policy about cloud use or not, according to research studies by Symantec and cloud backup provider

Friday, 16 November 2012

'The future role of the CIO: trusted advisor, or...?'

My new post The future role of the CIO: trusted advisor, or...? is out on Outsourcing Magazine.

Short breakout:
"My humble opinions and questions: if you’re the outermost responsible for a department, area or the whole company as part of the management group, whom will you advise? To advise the board is seldom popular. To advise managers within the department/area is teamworking and management. To discuss and advise to this and that within the I-area with the rest of the CxOs is business as usual. A trusted advisor is someone who knows what’s best for you, a company, your business or responsibilities. It’s not a mentor but still a “professional friend”: a “professional friend” who’s not gaining from the advice more than the salary he/she gets to advise. The trusted advisor can be an internal or external person and higher or lower in rank. The relation can be formal or informal. The key is to give advice a client can trust."
Agree or disagree? Care and dare to discuss?

Thursday, 8 November 2012

Anders Trolle-Schultz, SaaS-it Consult, at SAP Super Summit

Today MMind's business partner Anders Trolle-Schultz (@TrolleSchultz), SaaS-it Consult, was one of the speakers on the online event SAP Super Summit.

'Doomed?' on Outsourcemagazine

My latest post 'Doomed?' on Outsource Magazine is out.

"I ask myself, will it be a true shift where traditional IT outsourcing providers* becomes outmaneuvered by smaller service provider, cloud brokers, in-house IT departments and non IT service providers acting as orchestrators of future hybrid IT? A shift caused by:
  • Smaller SPs are able to change when the market does. Faster and shorter step to new decisions. 
  • Smaller SPs are able to operate, manage and orchestrate solutions earlier exclusively reserved the larger ITO providers. 
  • Non-IT service providers from mature branches bring money, resources and trimmed processes in to a sometimes immature IT world. 
  • In-house IT departments are able to orchestrate their IT solutions. They don’t have to focus on fundamental operations provided by IaaS, PaaS and A-/SaaS; they are able to concentrate on core/special services and work more innovative to bring value to core business. To become the internal trusted cloud broker to avoid de-centralised procurement/adoption of products and services. 
  • The act of “Fat and happiness”: instead of working innovative (know, predict and tell what the customer needs in the future) ITOs only focus on now! 
  • ITOs don’t use partnership to build success. They build everything on their own." 
Tell me what you think on Outsourcemagazine, here on the blog or just send me a mail.

ITO's, SP's, non-IT SP's, "end-customers": Of course MMind is able to discuss in detail how your business can deal with this.

Tuesday, 6 November 2012

"Cloud Smart Meter" for AWS

My friends at Newvem have released its "Cloud Smart Meter" for AWS.

Short quoute about the app:
"The “Cloud Smart Meter,” for AWS, is a native iPad and iPhone application that enables chief information officers (CIOs) and IT managers to gain clear visibility into their AWS costs, risks, and assets while collaborating with their teams and managing their clouds from anywhere and at any time"
Read more:

Download from app store:

Friday, 2 November 2012

'The DNA of Product Management' by Hunter Walk

Today I read the excellent post The DNA of Product Management on LinkedIn by Hunter Walk, Director Product Management at Google.

I really think this one is important for Product Managers but especially for the Management team and, to bad, even sometimes to board members.

I copy three important paragraphs from Hunter Walk's post:
"2) Seek collaboration, not necessarily consensus

Wednesday, 31 October 2012

The confusing Google, the Halloween-ish Google

A couple of days or weeks ago the market informed that Google passed Microsoft in terms of market value and is now no. 2 behind Apple. No problem with that.

My problem or what constantly confuses me with Google is that they are nowhere and everywhere. And I don’t understand their strategy. Apple obviously has a lot of products and services to buy or subscribe to. Same goes for Microsoft and IBM as well. Facebook gathers people in a social media tool. Apple, Microsoft, IBM and Facebook attempt to rule some part of the IT and consumer world, and that’s ok with me.

But what part of the world is Google trying to rule? I would say every part. And that’s not ok with me. Especially since I don’t know what, how and who. Some might say I’m not well informed and so it might be. I’m not well informed about Apple or Microsoft either but I still know some basics about them based on my modest media coverage.

Google do great services and I use them many times every day: search, blogspot, analytics, translate, pictures, youtube, gmail, maps etc… and this is where it becomes scary.

Monday, 22 October 2012

Extreme Outsourcing

My latest post Extreme Outsourcing on Outsourcing Magazine is out. Enjoy!

Short break out - the bullets:
Here are some of my bullets to a good start for a greater outsourcing. 
  • Only demand things you really need. Ask for the rest. 
  • Let the service provider explain how to solve glue, integration, add on services with their standard procedures and services instead of demanding your nitty gritty procedures. Core business for service providers is to know how to solve things in their environment: let them. 
  • When you outsource, be prepared for change.

Friday, 19 October 2012

Post about the ZDNet post 'Cloud in five years' time'

My post where I explain why the post Cloud in five years' time is important has to wait until next week. I will try to publish it on another site than In Max Mind.

Great weekend!


Thursday, 18 October 2012

MMind, på svenska

Äntligen kör jag igång med mitt nya företag MMind (uttalas med ett M).

Jag kommer att köra ut info på LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook mm. Hjälp mig gärna att sprida, behöver allt stöd jag kan få. :)

Ni hittar all kontaktinfo, tjänsteutbudet, om företaget, partners och mer på

Låt oss göra affärer tillsammans!


MMind, in English

Finally! Hurrah! My new business MMind is read to support the market.

You find all the contact info, services, partners, about and more on Please help me sharing, I need all the support I can get.

Let's make great business. Together? Absolutely!

The MMind logo

Comment to Cloudwashing-post on GigaOM

Commented the interesting post 'Why cloudwashing is evil, or at least annoying and potentially harmful' by Barb Darrow (@gigabarb) on GigaOM. The post is a summary of Tony Lucas, Flexiant, session on GigaOm's event Structure Europe.

Short break out:

Wednesday, 17 October 2012

ZDNet post 'Cloud in five years' time'

Yesterday I read the post 'Cloud in five years' time' on ZDNet by Phil Wainewright (@philww). I think this is an important post that every IT Manager, CIO and Service Provider should read. My plan was to write a similar but Phil was faster... :) I will explain why this post is important in a post this week. Meantime; read it.

Sunday, 14 October 2012

Two projects with the common denominator – Change!

So, what’s the reason I’m so slow here on the blog, Twitter, Outsourcemagazine and Newvems’ KnowYourCloud? Though no excuse I think I have two pretty good reasons.

1997, after three years on the customer service team at Microsoft Sweden I started my career as a technician (junior one I think…) at Kebne, which was bought by TeleComputing 2001/2002. Another three years on Microsoft (both Sweden and Norway), some as a field site technician/consultant, five as a Project Manager and finally five as a Product Manager I ended my career at TeleComputing this year in September. So, what now? Leaving IT business? No no, stepping up, giving myself the chance to IMHO deliver what companies and the market need. I’m starting my own business as a Cloud and ITaaS advisor. Company name will be MMind. Launch will be this week. More info to come.

The logo.

2008 my wife and I bought a non-mint condition house, built 1923 and renovated somewhere in the 60’s.

Cloud Compliance: Part 2 - Top 10 Tips

My latest post Cloud Compliance: Part 2 - Top 10 Tips is out on Newvem. This time I got great support from Ron Peled (@Ron1Pel), Security Specialist at LivePerson, the team at LivePerson (@LivePerson) and Ofir Nachmani (@IAmOnDemand) at Newvem (@Newvem). I salute their support.

Short break out from the post:
Here are Ron’s top ten tips for CSPs, whether you’re already a cloud player or plan to become one: 
  1. SaaS = TRUST. If you can’t provide a trustworthy environment, don’t provide it at all.
  2. Invest in security and compliance. Don’t skimp—it is fundamental to your business and its future.
  3. Customers will always have concerns and ask questions.

Tuesday, 28 August 2012

Well, do you understand Cloud?!

Commented the post Does the US understand cloud computing? on ZDNet by  (@ZDNetCharlie).

Short break out:

When asked what "the cloud" was, 29 percent said "a fluffy white thing", whereas only 16 percent connected the phrase with a network used to store, access and share data across Internet-connected devices.
Cloud computing was found to be widely misunderstood. The survey found that:
  • 51 percent of respondents, including a majority of Millennials, believe stormy weather

Monday, 20 August 2012

If I didn't tell you...

I'm back from my 4 week vacation. Lovely vacation at the same time lovely to be back. I hope your summer been good to you as well.

What to expect in the nearest future:

I will continue my compliance series on KnowYourCloud, soon publish a post on Outsourcemagazine about good planning and security. Here on InMaxMind I will publish a post about my year on Twitter and my blog - according to me a pretty amazing time journey. I will also look in to Windows 8 and how it might affect BYOD.

And of course; a lot of comments on the net. Hopefully provocative, interesting and helpful to you in a never ever relaxing IT world.

Hopefully enjoy!


Comment to 'Europe: Lots of cloud opportunity to tap'

Added a short comment to Barb Darrow's (@gigabarb) post Europe: Lots of cloud opportunity to tap on GIGAOM, or maybe more a comment/answer to the comment posted by Davetrw87: "It would be interesting to delve into why cloud computing has developed slower in Europe compared to the US."

Short break out:
"European cloud adoption has happened slower than in the U.S., but there are signs that it’s about to rapidly accelerate. At Structure:Europe, cloud luminaries will talk about how they see this change unfolding and what’s motivating it. Hint:

Saturday, 18 August 2012

Comment to: Cloud Service Providers Challenge Traditional IT Outsourcing

Short comment to the post 'Cloud Service Providers Challenge Traditional IT Outsourcing' by Stephanie Overby (@stephanieoverby) on

Short break out:
"the fastest growing segment of outsourcing--cloud computing services--is expected to nearly double from $3.4 billion in 2011 to $5 billion this year. Even more notable--infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) will contribute 38 percent of the increment outsourcing growth in 2012, compared to 8 percent in 2011. "This is reflective of how difficult the current market

Saturday, 21 July 2012

Cloud Compliance: Part 1 - The Basics

My first part about Cloud Compliance is now available on KnowYourCloud.

Short break out:
"Just for fun; a tricky question: What happens if an SaaS provider from Country A put its service on a PaaS provided from Country B? And, scary, the PaaS from Country B resides on an IaaS from Country C in Continent D? Is your organization cloud compliant in this scenario? Will any of the XaaS providers guarantee you’re cloud compliant? Let’s hope these scenarios won’t be frequent in the market in the future"
Please share if you like it.

Wednesday, 18 July 2012

Do you think I'm a bit slow...

...on the blogg, Twitter etc? Well, I'm on summer vacation! :) 

Frequence will speed up mid August.

Wish you all a great summer!


One of a "million" comments... the post What is Information Security Really? by James Rees on Compare the A really great discussion about what InfoSec really is. I advise you to read some of the great comments and maybe tweet some a lot of other people already done.

Short breakout from the post:
"Looking at the examples above carefully you begin to see a pattern, nobody really knows what information security is, nobody really wants to do it as they think it costs too much and if they do have to do it, they will do the minimum required in order to tick whatever box they need to. This leads me to ask a question.

Thursday, 12 July 2012

Short comment to ZDNet-post

Yesterday I wrote a short comment to the post Why too many cloud relationships turn sour on ZDNet by Manek Dubash.

Short breakout:
"About half the negotiations revolve around issues such as people, governance, processes, and compliance. "It used to be all about just the technology," Corbelli said. "Now it's about who you are, your culture, your reason for being, the peer-to-peer relationship. People want to know if you can be trusted, if you're on the same wavelength. They want to feel that their CFO can call your CFO and talk to them as equals."

Wednesday, 11 July 2012

"Customisation of IT: sorry, but it’s NOT the future. Customerisation is!"

My second and latest column on Outsource MagazineCustomisation of IT: sorry, but it’s NOT the future. Customerisation is!

Short breakout:
"What to do (1) 
IT businesses have to walk away from seller-centric and buyer-centric scenarios to “swap-centric”, "customised standard", Lego-bricks or whatever you would like to call it.
IT providers have to listen to their customers and offer open standard services from which a customer can choose add-on services – either from the provider or from other service providers. Build up services in block: don’t customise a service if your goal isn’t to be that special services provider who will get paid for the effort you put in it. Plus,

Friday, 6 July 2012

Comment to: "No excuse: Storms should not take down your cloud"

Interesting points by David Linthicum (@davidlinthicum) in the post No excuse: Storms should not take down your cloud on InfoWorld. Also a lot of interesting comments. Both agree and disagree so I commented it.

Short break out from the post:
"Despite the terrible weather, had no legitimate excuse for the outage. After all, most other cloud providers in the area were able to continue service. Powerful storms are not exactly an uncommon phenomenon in the mid-Atlantic region, so the data center should have been designed and run accordingly.

Tuesday, 3 July 2012

A lot of buying...

There's really a lot of buying and fusions now and during the last year. Latest is Dell buying Quest and VMware buying DynamicOps. All the big ones; Microsoft, IBM, Citrix, VMware, Cisco, Google, Oracle, EMC and so on, buys A LOT. Is this good? Was the intention of the bought companies from the very beginning to be bought? Is it good for customers/consumers? Are the market/needs faster and broader than the big ones core and innovation? Will the bought company (or actually technique/service, maybe patent) implement and work well? Will it block other company's innovation because the bought technique/service isn't longer "available"? Is it just a buyer's race? A buyers race to prevent competitors to succeed more than actually improve their own service/offer - to more prevent others to get market shares than really get them their own. Really can't tell more than; competition is good and I don't know if these behaviors really encourage it and provide the best services to the market.

Just one of those in Max mind...

Monday, 2 July 2012

We are all the winners

In the latest issue of TeleComputing News I'm writing (in Swedish) about governance in general and TeleComputing governance specifically.

Short breakout in Swedish:
"Det här låter säkert som en klyssja men partnerskap är en nyckel till en lyckad IT-funktion vare sig den är helt inhouse eller om man som företag valt att outsourca hela eller delar av den. IT är för många företag inte kärnverksamheten, däremot är det den absoluta nyckeln för att kärnverksamheten ska lyckas. Därför måste det finnas ett samarbete mellan IT och verksamhet samt inte minst en förståelse från IT vad behoven är för att verksamheten ska lyckas. Lika viktigt är att information som påverkar behoven når IT-avdelningen. Vid en outsourcing av IT-funktionen är delar eller ibland till och med hela IT-avdelningen outsourcad, alltså att delar eller hela IT-avdelningen egentligen finns hos någon annan: outsourcing-leverantören. I det läget är det ännu viktigare att ett samarbete finns etablerat för att inget ska falla mellan stolarna eller att förväntningar faktiskt infrias."
Read the full article

Swedish and Nordic readers: if  you find the article great (maybe ok is more suitable ;) ) and informative and think I should translate it into English (incl making it general only) please comment or send me a mail.

TeleComputing Newsletter (in Swedish)

TeleComputings News #2 2012 (in Swedish) is out!

Read my governance article 'We are all the winners'.

Back from a vacation

Back from a one week vacation on the west coast of Sweden. Will give you some nice posts during the summer here on In Max Mind + KnowYourCloud and Outsourcing Magazine. I hope you will find them great enough to spend them some of your valuable “summerminutes”.


Tuesday, 19 June 2012

Embrace the Multiculti Cloud: World wide cloud companies do great things!

My latest post Embrace the Multiculti Cloud: World wide cloud companies do great things!
on KnowYourCloud

Short break out:
"Why do you drive a German car? Why do you love a fantastic Nasi Goreng from Indonesia? Why do you go to Ibiza, Berlin, London or Miami for a good clubbers night? Why do you travel to meet up at great IT conferences in the US? 

Friday, 15 June 2012

Next week on KnowYourCloud

Next week my new post 'The Multiculti Cloud" will be up on the KnowYourCloud Community.

Have a great weekend all!


An SLA thread

I've mentioned this comment thread in an earlier post. @sarojkar (not a Twitter account) and I took it another round. The origin post is about how to write/offer a great SLA model to cloud services.

@sarojkar's answer to my Q; whether or not he/she meant a service chain SLA or full SLA for a service incl underlying parts/functions:
"What I mean say is that these items need to be discussed and put in paper as part of SLA. You don’t want to be in a situation where your provider is pointing a finger at the infrastructure issue or outage and saying it wasn’t their fault. Incorporate SLA terms that indicate how your company will perform based on these resources. What does it mean to your operations if the cloud is down?

Thursday, 14 June 2012

Funny cloud - bad timing, bad photographer

A couple a days ago when I was driving to work I saw an odd funny cloud. I decided to take a picture of it and use it for some post. It was a long shot, really, and probably a bad idea from the very beginning..., but my plan was to edit it a bit. So; what are the odds a small traffic sign will hide that cloud just in that moment when the camera clicks when driving 100-ish km/h?

Anyway, nice picture, isn't it?

Friday, 8 June 2012

Comment to 'US to Europe: “Eat My Cloud Dust”'

My comment to the interesting post US to Europe: “Eat My Cloud Dust” on CloudTweaks by Jeff Norman

Short break out:
"Europe may trump the United States in such matters as academic prosperity in mathematics and sciences, as we know it celebrates its monarchs with far more compelling pomp and circumstance that we could possibly muster for our heads of state. But clout in cloud remains one discipline in which America continues to exert overwhelming dominance over the continent across the pond. This isn’t to say that nations like France, Germany, and even economically beleaguered Greece

comment to a comment to my comment...

...on the post Working On A Cloud Software Service Level Agreement on CloudTweaks by Rick Blaisdell.

Read the full story + comments.

I'm not sure if sarojkars comment was intended to comment my comment or comment the post...I think the later one. But what the h... I answered it. :) My comment/answer:
"@sarojkar Do you mean like a complete chain with several services included in a "full" ITaaS/XaaS? Or do you mean net, servers etc within the DC included in a SaaS? (Then it definitely should be included in the SLA) If ITaaS; it's definitely cool to deliver the chain of services from DC to user. It's a risk but definitely cool, you will certainly differ from many other SP's.

Thursday, 7 June 2012

Comment to comment & post

My comment to the @cloud_zone comment and the post Cloud computing : Aggregating trust, broker or bust? on ITProPortal by Matthew Finnie.

Short break out from the post:
"An organisation’s ability to ’try before it buy’s with cloud services, in theory, meant that there is no longer the need to employ a consultant to decide which service would work for them. When the confusion around cloud is lifted, the future of the cloud broker may morph again, or even become extinct. If the issue

Wednesday, 6 June 2012

What’s Your Green Cloud Plan?

My latest post What’s Your Green Cloud Plan? on KnowYourCloud 

Please take a moment to think about your engagement in a better IT environment, but nevertheless - enjoy!

Short break out:
"And when Greenpeace is on your case there’s really nowhere to hide; as a big cloud service provider you get bad publicity = less money. That’s it. Always. The IT industry’s black sheep

Tuesday, 29 May 2012

S'il vous plait, please habla Deutsch!

My first post on Outsource Magazine: S'il vous plait, please habla Deutsch!Or; try to keep it somehow simple and speak the same language as the customer.

Short breakout:

"One of the most annoying definitions right now is (IMHO) "co-sourcing". Be honest now: who do you think can deliver IT services or IT outsourcing without co-operation, partnership and divided and joint responsibilities? If those days ever existed they’re gone now. There is nothing odd in dividing functions in an IT outsourcing as long as you write it down on a paper like

Monday, 28 May 2012

Columnist on Outsource Magazine

I'm very happy to tell: As from today I'm writing as a columnist on the UK Outsource Magazine site. I will concentrate on IT outsourcing and publish about one post a month.

Since about two months I publish Cloud related posts on KnowYourCloud.

My special thoughts will remain here on In Max Mind.

All posts, comments on other sites etc will as always be linked up from here.

Please contact me on Twitter or mail (see About) if there's something you would like to have a comment on or read about as an article.



Friday, 25 May 2012

Facebook...trick & treat

Facebook owners made one of the most perfect things; they sold their treat  when they knew the value of the treat wouldn't rise any higher. Problem is that they tricked all the investors and gets away with it. The weird thing; the investors wasn't able to analyze and anticipate it.

Was this the Facebook phenomena peak? Going down from now?

Thursday, 24 May 2012

Comment to 'Private Cloud: 'Everyone's got one. Where's yours?''

Commented the ZDNet post Private Cloud: 'Everyone's got one. Where's yours?' by Lauren Nelson.

When I was almost finished with the comment I realized it was more pointed to internal IT than cloud washing in general... I hope I was able to tweak it ok.

Short break out:
"Today, cloudwashing is prevalent. But it isn’t always intentional. In fact many truly believe they’ve got a true cloud — especially those using a pre-packaged private cloud software solution. But once you look under the hood it’s hard to miss.

Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Update about the garden wall’s

So what happened with the garden wall’s I wrote about in the post ‘My friend Mikael, the carpenter…’?

“Yesterday I talked to Mikael about building two walls in the garden. I asked him: “Do you think one bag of concrete (20-25 kg mix) is good enough for each pole?” Mikael: “Nooo…. You know, when the wind starts to blow… its quite powerful… you should dig quite deep and use quite a lot of concrete. But, don’t you have something to fasten and secure it to, like…the house?” Me: “Yes,

Tuesday, 22 May 2012

Response to a Twitter Q from @opendatacenter

My response to a twitter Q from @opendatacenter about Info Security’s post Security is driving Cloud adoption.

Here are a couple of reasons SMB’s might trust cloud more than Ent (no specific order):
  1. SMB’s has shorter way to decision and policy changes.
  2. SMB’s hasn’t same expensive and heavy solutions to drop (kill darlings)

Monday, 14 May 2012

20 #CloudWisdoms

Since I started to twitter and blog I’ve published #CloudWisdoms. They’re ones which crossed my mind from now and then. They’re in different forms, some of them as Q’s and some of them maybe a bit “author novice”. From 1 – 20 in no special order more than a time line; please enjoy and hope you just think of one or two in the future when you think of cloud.
Pst….sccchhh…but…sometimes I kind of repeat and sometimes I really don’t know what I mean…#10…Sorry… ;) But; I haven’t modified one of them.
So…here goes:

#CloudWisdom 1-5

- Those who understand the customers´ pains and needs and who can act the organizer to meet these have an excellent position.

Sunday, 13 May 2012

On KnowYourCloud: The Successful Cloud Lock-in!

My opposite to the earlier The Devastating Cloud Lock-in: The Successful Cloud Lock-in! is now available on KnowYourCloud.

Short break out:
 "The differences lie in factors such as governance, service management and support.You might think this applies only to the IT outsourcing providers, but it’s not. Even if cloud services shouldn’t be drowned with governance models, cloud service providers and aggregators must present an extra value to their service. Here are some “common sense” guidelines that will help you to maintain a successful cloud lock-in..."
The Successful Cloud Lock-in!


Friday, 11 May 2012

My comment to 'Can You Retrieve Your Data After Terminating Your Contract?'

Commented the post Can You Retrieve Your Data After Terminating Your Contract? on CloudTweaks by Balaji Viswanathan.

Short break out:
"Put simply, can you easily retrieve your data stored in the cloud to enable you to move from one service to another? This is a question that is worrying CIOs around the world. Unlike typical outsourcing services, retrieving your data from the cloud is not a straightforward thing. recently posted an excellent article on this which raises some important questions. In this post, I will try to offer some insight into the topic."
My comment:
"I think some of the scenarios are quite ”aggressive” and most probably quite rare. Even if cloud tempts “gold diggers” like the Wild Wild West (www? Ooops! ;)) most CSP’s won’t go bankrupt. And most companies

Thursday, 10 May 2012

#CloudWisdom 20

Did you read the terms and conditions?

A: You should, pretty well.

Sunday, 6 May 2012

A comment to: Don't be so trigger-happy for a remote wipe

Commented the post Don't be so trigger-happy for a remote wipe on InfoWorld by Galen Gruman (@MobileGalan).

Short break out:
"But too many in IT are overly eager to pull the remote-wipe trigger. It's a serious weapon, the equivalent of a neutron bomb being set off in an iPad, iPhone, Android device, Mac, or -- with third-party tools today and a new OS this fall -- Windows PC. Like any tool with such overwhelming capabilities, it should be used with caution.
My a bit frustrated ;) comment:
Sorry but isn't the point that you can use a MDM system to do backups (scheduled or not), lock before wipe, set special policies etc?! Not to discuss whether or not it was stupid of the guy to let his daughter use the phone or if it was a poor example?! 
The purpose with the article is good. Of course you need to do wipe sometimes but not always. I agree with Mike Carmack; it is an InfoSec issue. The company policy rules and it should be well informed in the organization. But policies can as everything else evolve so - no, maybe it doesn't have to be that way. 
Problem do exist with MDM systems, or rather the devices and OS's: all different ifs and buts on different devices and OS's. I'm also looking forward to a MDM system which for real can handle phones, tablets and PC's. Today there's a gap. Next SCCM?

Short comment to '10 Predictions for What the CIO Role Will Look Like in 2020'

I wrote a short comment to the post 10 Predictions for What the CIO Role Will Look Like in 2020 by John Brandon (@jmbrandonbb) on CIO.

Short breakout:
"What will the job of CIO be like in the year 2020? In many ways, the answer is already clear: The IT leader will still be the nucleus of any company, working closely with business executives and strategizing about future technology directions, leading a staff of highly trained professionals and championing streamlined technical operations. The position will still require a mix of analytical foresight and management prowess over the next decade."
My short comment:
"Wise predictions. 
Not sure #7 will be a fact by then. But I've been talking about this... So, either I want to replace the #7 or add a #10b or #11: Trusted advisor. The CIO needs to be supported by trusted advisors to make the correct decisions."

Wednesday, 2 May 2012

The Devastating Cloud Lock-in... my latest post on KnowYourCloud. Please read and comment.

Short break out from The Devastating Cloud Lock-in:
"3 – The emotional lock-in. Dangerous one. You are really not technically or legally locked in, but you know, assume or just feel that you have put too much effort, work or money into adopting or using the service than you think you should have. Get out of there as soon as possible. It’s gambling in Vegas… “Ok, just 100$…then I stop…It will be my last bet…”"


Friday, 27 April 2012

My comment to 'How to negotiate a contract with a cloud or SaaS provider'

Yesterday I read a wise post in InfoWorld: How to negotiate a contract with a cloud or SaaS provider by Mary Shacklett (@MaryShacklett).

I really think it's important we enlight the market on a reasonable level! So I wrote a "short" comment.

Seems like it takes some time (too long time for post momentums) to approve my comment (most probably because of my attached link). I post it here anyway...

Short breakout:
"What's important?Large enterprises have their own legal departments, but most small businesses don't. Small businesses and even enterprises are also very likely to not have a complete file of all of their contracts or not read all of their contracts end to end. A good practice is to

Saturday, 21 April 2012

Cloud Washing…does it REALLY matter

Look at it from another perspective… The customers’ perspective. Does cloud washing really matter then?

I’m working at a Nordic IT outsourcing provider and have together with them delivered IT as a Service since 1997 (I'm now more on my own: I’m personally very into cloud services and how and why companies should adopt it. I’m also very into how IT service providers (cloud or “classics”) should think to give customers value and increase efficiency to become more productive. Therefor I’m not only talking cloud.

When I, with the option of three different subjects, asked what readers wanted to read as my next post they all (3…hm…well) pointed at Cloud Washing with the comment that it is important that people become aware of washed cloud services. The post was published in the beginning of this week on Know Your Cloud as Cloud Washing – Don’t End Up Washing Your IT with False Clouds. Though; from the beginning my intention was to talk about whether the washing of a service to a “cloud service” really matters as long as it kills customer pains.

Friday, 20 April 2012

Just a little tweet tip

When repeatadly doing #FF's (Follow Friday) about a lot of people (= a lot of tweets) on Twitter: Mix the people from time to time. FF's are intended to make people follow each other and if it's the same every week; no change, no adds. By default people don't read FF's which not mention themselves.

@RichardBordes are really good at this. Salute! I'm not that good at FF-ing at all...but sometimes I try...

So; mix - makes people connect!

Wednesday, 18 April 2012

#CloudWisdom 19

Ok, so you've adopted a cloud washed service:

No rush. If the service works well and you don’t have big plans for your business, take it easy but don’t make new investments or enrollments within the service. Start scanning the market and grab the pure cloud service when you find it.

Monday, 16 April 2012

Post about cloud washing

My post Cloud Washing – Don’t End Up Washing Your IT with False Clouds is now published on Know Your Cloud.

Short break out:

Let’s be clear. Cloud washing is not breaking the law (yet). The problem with cloud washing enters the discussion when we start to talk about money, because that is what it’s really about – you might lose money due to its lack of scalability, adoption issues and lock-in effects. All this because you believed you were adopting a cloud service.

Friday, 13 April 2012

Busy week!

A busy week comes to its end. It included a really nice dinner in Stockholm with and sessions by Anders Trolle Schultz (@TrolleSchultz) and Justin Pirie (@justinpirie) on Microsoft's Sales & Inspiration Day - great event.

I hope my cloud washing post will be published early next week on http://newvem/community

On Monday I will be back with a new post here on In Max Mind.

Have a great weekend all.

Friday, 6 April 2012

Upcoming post about cloud

Happy to tell:

I will publish my upcoming posts about cloud on the Know Your Cloud community

My next post will be about cloud washing and how to choose your cloud operator. I hope you will enjoy it!

Other things in my mind will still be posted here.

Happy Easter everyone!

Friday, 30 March 2012

#CloudWisdom 18

Taking the position as beeing the one not to blame because of "not invented here / don't blame me, the idea wasn't mine" isn't very innovative or wise. Deal with the cloud and find good solutions and services in a controlled manner. Fragmented adoption will not gain the company nor will defending darlings and tech invented ways of how the business should work do.

My comment to 'Cloud: disruptive good, disruptive bad'

My comment to the post 'Cloud: disruptive good, disruptive bad' by Phil Wainewright on ZDNet.

Short break out from Phil's post:
"With cloud, the tables have finally turned on the technologists. Adoption of cloud in the enterprise is disruptive in a bad way for IT and in a good way for business. For everyone in IT, it means radical changes to working practices and learning many new skillsets, while existing skills become redundant, sometimes overnight. Today’s old-fashioned jobs are in fields such as database administration, server management and systems integration, with many organisations handing over those tasks wholesale to cloud providers who can automate them at scale. While IT suffers, the business finds cloud brings vastly improved productivity to existing skills while adding huge new opportunities for innovation and business development."
My comment to the post, or rather my comment to the post and the comments:

Wednesday, 28 March 2012

What would you like to read about?

What would you like to read about the next time you visit InMaxMind? Three alternatives:

  1. National cloud lock in
  2. Cloud washing. Does it really matter...whether it's washed or not? Votes: 3
  3. Free versus signed

Please pick one and tell.


Monday, 26 March 2012

”Citrix? Whew!” Or?

This is a translated and modified version of the post ‘”Citrix? Usch!” Eller?’ (in Swedish) published originally in TeleComputing News No 1 2012.

A good cons and pros post about VDI I also want to recommend is ‘The Pros and Cons of Using Virtual Desktop Infrastructure’ published on PCWorld by Logan Harbaugh.


Several times I‘ve heard comments like ”no, we don’t want to use Citrix, it’s slow and works bad” or ”we know your services are great but don’t say Citrix, it’s a bad word in our company”. I’ve been thinking about this attitude a lot of times because my experience is not the same, rather the reversed.

Friday, 23 March 2012

My friend Mikael, the carpenter...

I’ve talked about Mikael before. I’ve known him since I was six and he’s still one of my best friends. He works as a carpenter and I think he’s really good. I know this because I met a lot of carpenters and seen some really bad ones on TV, so I know what I’m talking about. He helps me building and always gives me good advice when I need them…and I need them. He’s effective, productive and solves problems during projects. He propose solutions and propose other solutions if my ideas are bad or doesn’t work. Yes, I’m more of an esthete than him so sometimes I reject his proposals… Mikael shakes his head… but he always makes my dream come true as long as it doesn’t risk anything.

Yesterday I talked to Mikael about a building two walls in the garden. I asked him: “Do you think one bag of concrete (20-25 kg mix) is good enough for each pole?” Mikael: “Nooo…. You know, when the wind starts to blow… its quite powerful… you should dig quite deep and use quite a lot of concrete. But, don’t you have something to fasten and secure it to, like…the house?”

Thursday, 22 March 2012

#CloudWisdom 17

How do you lock in your customer without locking them in?
  • Governance – key key KEY
    • Innovations and continuously improvement
    • Listen to and talk with the customer
    • Be a trusted advisor
Great services but never ever make it difficult for the customer to walk away, tech and agreement lock ins are no good for no one. True “trusted” lock in will keep your customer “locked in”.

Wednesday, 21 March 2012

+ the Cloud LESS control button

Success in cloud adoption; let go of detailed control.

A fact is that IT as a Service keeps taking market shares. The services are delivered as traditional SaaS, from a Managed- / Service Provider or as cloud services. We see growths in areas like IaaS and especially PaaS when application providers and vendors put applications in the cloud. But the speed is not what many expect. What’s causing this? I’ve been doing some thinking.

Shoe service description and SLA? This + brand, store and receipt is my agreement for buying a shoe. The agreement should also guarantee my choices: no children, environment-friendly transportations etc. If textile inside it doesn’t meet SLA I will return it. I shouldn’t care about transportation, logistics, sewing machines etc. IT is far more complicated but principle is the same.

Thursday, 15 March 2012

"Citrix? Usch!" Eller?

Below is my post about Citrix from TeleComputings newsletter No 1 2012. I will translate it to English and do some modification as soon as possible. The title will be like '"Citrix? Wheh!" Or?'


Tillfällena är många där jag hört kommentaren ”nej, vi vill inte köra Citrix, det fungerar så dåligt” eller ”vi vet att ni har bra tjänster men säg inte Citrix, det är ett skällsord här”. Och jag har funderat många gånger på varför, för min upplevelse och erfarenhet är inte densamma utan egentligen helt tvärtom.

Nu kanske du tänker ”ja vad skulle han annars säga” med tanke på att TeleComputing i mångas ögon är synonymt med Citrix-lösningar. Men ni som känner mig samt läser mina inlägg här och där vet att jag inte hissar upp något som inte bör hissas upp eller skräder orden när jag tycker något är fel. Jag gillar virtuella arbetsplatser. Sen lång tid tillbaka är det Citrix som gjort virtuella arbetsplatsleveranser möjliga på ett bra sätt, om än konkurrensen stadigt ökar på marknaden. Och Citrix är även en del av vårt unika koncept OnDemand som förra året förärades med en ny plattform (= ny och förbättrad teknik, tjänster, processer och funktioner).

Är Citrix = usch och vad beror då upplevelserna som jag tidigare nämnde på?

TeleComputing News No 1 2012 (in Swedish)

TeleComputing News No 1 2012 (in Swedish) is out!

Some posts by me.


Wednesday, 14 March 2012


Yesterday I visited Cisco Plus 2012 in Stockholm. Of course with focus on network and communication. Also big focus on BYO, virtual desktops, video and UC which all are close related to network and communication.

Today I read a post about IT departments and leaders who are worried over cloud and video bandwidth demands (‘IT stressed over cloud and video bandwidth demands’ by Brandon Butler on InfoWorld.

Last week I visited NetApp Innovation 2012 in Stockholm. Focus of course on storage and Big Data.

Yesterday on the Cisco event I got this re-Eureka! moment again. “Network, communication and storage are so important. How can I forget? I wonder if everyone understands how important good, fast and reliable infrastructure services are.”

Tuesday, 13 March 2012

Top Cloud Tweeters to follow

Maildistiller (@maildistiller) presented the post 'Top Cloud Tweeters to follow' on maildistiller.

Breakout and motivation:
"CloudComputing is one hashtag that seems to be applied to almost every tweet that arrives on our Twitter stream. So how do you know which ones are worth the effort of that extra click? I decided to use the @Maildistiller Twitter stream as the basis of a little experiment in an attempt to uncover which #CloudComputing tweeters are ahead of the pack and making the sort of noise that leans towards the retweetable.

Monday, 12 March 2012

#CloudWisdom 16

Is adoption of cloud equal to put everything in the cloud?

Answer: No. You should adopt services which make you more productive, efficient, you can evolve with and cause you less headache compared to hosting them on prem.

Systems that works ok on prem and is not better fulfilled by a cloud service should remain on prem...until a better solution is available.

Cloud services should kill your pains, not reversed.

Thursday, 8 March 2012

5 innovative bullets

Today I visited the NetApp event on Berns, Stockholm. The great closing session was by the Swedish trendspotter and futurologist Magnus Lindkvist (@TrendyMagnus (worth the follow)). He gave us 5 innovative bullets and keys to success (translated):

- look forward
- mix ideas
- be experimenting
- recycle failures
- be patient

A bit cliché but; think out of the box!


Thank you NetApp for a great event.

Tuesday, 6 March 2012

Would you bet on your security?

Read the post 'Most IT professionals wouldn't bet on security of own networks: report' by Rachel King, @zdnetrachel, on ZDNet.

Short break out from the end of the post:

So, if IT security professionals are this skeptical about the security of corporate networks, how much trust can the rest of us reasonably place when accessing these networks — whether it be with personal or work devices?

Monday, 5 March 2012

End of PC era?

Earlier this evening I commented the teasing post "Windows 8 Proves That The Death Of The PC Is Greatly Exaggerated" by Erik Kain (@erikkain) on Forbes.

Short break out:
"Every now and then we hear rumors of the death of the PC. The rise of the tablet, and especially the iPad, makes these rumors far more common. Take this article in the New York Times, titled “As New iPad Debut Nears, Some See Decline Of PC.”

To be fair, it’s a reasonably balanced article, noting in the end that it’s much more likely that tablets and PCs will simply become more indistinguishable.

"10 low-stress jobs for IT pros" commented

Delivered a provocative comment to "10 low-stress jobs for IT pros" by Justin James on TechRepublic.

Short break out:
"It is hard to say that there are any truly low-stress or stress-free jobs in the IT industry. IT workers operate on tight deadlines, mistakes can take entire companies down (or worse), and there never seem to be enough people to do the job. To make it even harder, IT pros are often asked to work with and even take direction from people who really have no clue about the technical details. But it is still possible to have a job in the IT industry that reduces many or even most of these pain points. Here are 10 IT industry jobs with relatively low stress levels."
My comment:
I won't discuss the stress factor for each one of the mentioned or other not mentioned.

Look at it from a customer perspective on no 2-10. Create a less stressed organization: outsource and / or buy and adopt ITaaS / cloud... Stop in-housing these type of resources and roles. Make the stress / no stress situations the service providers pleasant responsibility.

I know I'm generalizing and making it easy for me and easy for others "attacks" and opinions.
Note! I know IT jobs are more or less stressful and I don't downplay any role or the issue people are stressed at work. Just looking at it from another perspective and to provocate a bit.

Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Why why why?

Why is there always short, not so well explained, comments like "it's not secure enough" when someone push for adopting cloud services?

- There are issues / concerns like security, service levels, laws etc
- Users might not think about all the above

None of these are insurmountable issues!

You can read tons of posts telling you what to think about. Isn't this one of the IT departments' key assignments; to find out what to adopt, how to adopt and when to adopt in a secure and good way to meet business needs?

Comment to @DavidLinthicums post 'Employees get the cloud, but IT -- not so much'

David Linthicum (@DavidLinthicums) published the post 'Employees get the cloud, but IT -- not so much' on InfoWorld about that IT departments are slow in the adoption of cloud services. I think this a very interesting topic to discuss more. IT have to less conservative in their mind, it's not good for business - it's time for change.

Short break out:
"As in the case of most productive uses of new technology, such as the rise of the PC, the rise of the Web, the rise of mobile devices, and now the rise of the cloud, employees will drive ahead first. IT will follow. Call me crazy, but I think it should be the other way around."

#CloudWisdom 15

Will you lose your IT-job just because the company adopts cloud?

Answer: No. But your role might be different.


Ask yourself: Doesn't cloud service providers need IT-pro's?

Don't fight the cloud, find the best solution.

Friday, 24 February 2012

BYOD-commented...I couldn't resist

Sorry, but I couldn't resist to comment another BYOD-post. Why? Because it was really good and spot on it why BYOD, not consumerization, might not be thats success everyone's buzzing about.

The post: 'BYOD: Good for whom exactly?' by Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols on Computerworld.

Short breakout:
"It would be one thing if companies paid for users' personal equipment and services, but I really fear BYOD is becoming just another way to shift costs off the company budget and onto employee's backs. Worse still, I can see BYOD actually blocking people from being hired.
So, even though I'm a BYOD user through and through, I can't really get behind the idea that BYOD is that great an idea for everyone."
My comment:

First; great read.
I’ve promised myself to not comment or write any more “negative” posts about BYO. I don’t want to become the “old grumpy guy”, but BYO has become my windmill (Don Quijote) for the moment. But finally I’ve found some guys who been doing some thinking, beyond the possibility. My point is that almost everyone points to the choice of freedom but never takes the time to think of the possible consequences of implementing a BYO-program.
My biggest concern is when the possibility becomes a demand. When the employer demands you to bring a device and the different between keeping the job is a golden support contract connected to the device.
I’m pro consumerization and evolution but I’m not that keen to BYO. Instead of a BYO I think companies should consider to implement a wider device policy a CYO (Choose Your Own)-program where employees can choose from a ending list of devices (smartphones, pads, PC, Mac etc.).
If you want to read more about my BYOD opinions you can find them on Latest post is the “Last windmill attack!”. But it seems it didn’t become the last one… I couldn’t resist… ;)
Short break out from “Last windmill attack!”:
“My biggest concerns with BYOD are:
- When it becomes an employer demand that you should bring it and no longer is a possibility.
- Who are able to bring their devices – “the cool guys”?
- Will the support contract connected to your device be equal to keeping your employment or not?
- The IMHO administrative mess.
- Why people should bring devices. Don’t employers earn the money to provide it, isn’t that included in budget? Shouldn’t then the employer get paid and the company board higher the company revenue demand?
With these bullets I stop the main attack. But please keep them in mind.Other people’s concerns seems to be more at risks like management systems, company data access on private devices and how to access the company services. My opinion; these are all techniques and policies issues which can be solved.”

Thursday, 16 February 2012

Comment to ZDNet-post 'Multitenancy & Cloud Computing Platforms: Four Big Problems'

Made a comment on the ZDNet post 'Multitenancy & Cloud Computing Platforms: Four Big Problems' by Eric Lai (@ericylai).

Short break out:
"Outside of the application space, things are well, more stormy. Take the Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) space. Providers here include Google App Engine, Windows Azure,’s, and others.
For enterprises - who usually have much more rigorous requirements than consumers - multitenant cloud platforms have plenty of disadvantages. That goes double for the developers serving those enterprises."
My comment:

Upcoming post: Outsourcing

Soon on "Outsourcing! Hu! What is good for? Absolutely…everything. Say it again…"

Monday, 13 February 2012

10 great cloud infographics

Reading tweets I found this '10 Incredibly Insightful Cloud Infographics' on by a tweet from @cloudwebops. All gathered on one view. Worth a view for the cloud geek as well as the cloud novice.

A peak:

Cloud Computing: What Is It & Why Should I Care?

Friday, 10 February 2012

Last windmill attack!

If you’ve been following me you most probably noticed I’m not that keen to BYOD. You then also know I written a 3 step BYOD-story and commented every BYOD post I’ve met.

I’m getting a bit tired of myself in this subject know so I won’t write another article in my “crusade”, my attack against thee windmill BYOD. So this will be my last windmill attack (Don Quijote). I might comment some posts though.

In this last post attacking BYOD I will also defend it.

My biggest concerns with BYOD are:


Read a new post (Cloud Orchestration starts to play its tune!) on 'how to build a cloud' about orchestration pointing on the systems named or aimed as orchestrators. Interesting and wise read. I recommend the site (orchestrated ;) by @BuildaCloud) for those who like to read about cloud and trends.

Short break out:

"Think of cloud orchestration as an amazing CTO with a wand standing at the front of the IT room directing his team of IT people through the symphony of 24/7 consumer facing IT service. The difference is no amount of people and no size wand is ever going to direct the symphony as well as a nice tidy piece of software specifically written for the job.

Orchestration of your cloud is only part of the puzzle, a big part granted but there is more cool stuff I like to see in my clouds, specifically around reporting and billing so I’m going to stick with cloud enablement as my main catch phrase until such time I find something better!"
As you might know I focus more on the assignment than systems when I talk about orchestration so my comment to this was:

Monday, 6 February 2012

'Outsourcing – Is it an Advantage or a Disadvantage?'

Read a short post about advantages vs disadvantages of outsourcing which I of course commented. One of the reasons I started to blog was to tell stories about outsourcing and the importency to choose wisely once the decision is taken.

Short break out:
"Outsourcing can be both beneficial and non-beneficial depending on your reason why you choose to outsource. To begin with outsourcing, according to Wikipedia, “is the process of contracting a business function to someone else”. But why outsource if the job can be done in your own company by your own employees? Therefore, the reason behind outsourcing plays a vital role in the decision to avail of services outside the company."
My comment:

Thursday, 2 February 2012

'Think the cloud will cut your IT costs? Not so fast, say CIOs'

Wise article on TechRepublic by Nick Heath 'Think the cloud will cut your IT costs? Not so fast, say CIOs'.

Short break out:
"Listen to the hype about cloud computing and you’d think it provides a quick fix for the CIO who needs to cut costs in a hurry.
And while its on-demand model offers the promise of reduced spend and freeing the IT team from the drudgery of looking after physical infrastructure, CIOs remain wary about getting carried away chasing savings in the cloud."
My comment:

Monday, 30 January 2012

Classic interior design and high quality IT – a tribute to value, my value

“Compared to buying cheap you only cry once when buying quality!”

Can you compare classic interior design and IT? It might not be the most natural comparison ever done since classic interior design should last for decades and IT you normally don’t want to get old. But yes if you compare in quality, support and last but not least value and this is what this post is about.

No beat around the bush; I love good quality interior design – classics, vintage. I also love good reliable IT – high quality IT. Normally I’m not looking for and loving the latest. To me it’s more important to find the greatest, because I can rely on it and have a support or money back guarantee if it fails, doesn’t fit the purpose or maybe even if the flavor doesn’t "taste" well enough.

Is price, high or low, equal to good or bad quality? No, definitely not.

Sunday, 29 January 2012

Comment on ZDNet post

Last night I made a comment on ZDNet to the post 'Your next laptop could have Microsoft's Kinect built into it' by Sean Portnoy.

Short break out:
"Microsoft is finally delivering on its promise to bring Kinect to the PC with official support, but most people would probably assume it would be most useful with a desktop. Nonetheless, it appears that the motion-control technology could also show up on portable systems."

Saturday, 28 January 2012


Hurrah! I passed 500 followers on Twitter. :) Thanks all for following.

Have a great weekend all!

Wednesday, 25 January 2012

#CloudWisdom 14

Sometimes they pops up... often by articles read during a day. Here is my #CloudWisdom 14:

PaaS M-/SP's; Look at the opportunity to provide PaaS to SaaS SP's. Become a SaaS platform provider and support the application providers to reach the cloud.
Application providers; Contact M-/SP's. Can they provide a PaaS; grab the opportunity to reach out in the cloud with your application. Become a SaaS provider in the cloud without building from zero or IaaS.

Another BYOD-post commented

BYOD must be my windmill (Don Quijote)! ;)

Added a comment to the post 'Cisco: Nearly half of IT managers still against BYOD trend' by Rachel King on ZDNet.

Short break out:
"Tablet computing in the enterprise world is about to hit a major turning point in 2012, but there are definitely some serious roadblocks ahead, according to a new report from Cisco.

Comment on the post 'Platform-as-a-Service: The Game Changer'

Great short read: 'Platform-as-a-Service: The Game Changer' by Kevin L. Jackson on Forbes.

Short break out:
"Developers can create and deploy software faster. Agencies can lower their risks, promote shared services and improve software security via a common security model. Data centers can leverage PaaS to make their infrastructure more valuable. PaaS can lower the skill requirements to engineer new systems and can lower risks by taking advantage of pretested technologies."

My comment:

Friday, 20 January 2012

Comment to the post 'Are ‘Cloud Hubs’ the Way of the Future?'

Commented the post 'Are ‘Cloud Hubs’ the Way of the Future?' by Sarah Rich on Government Technology.

Short break out:

"The pressure of moving government applications into a cloud-computing environment is rapidly building as government agencies look to cut IT costs. According to a new report, the concept of “regional community cloud hubs” among government entities will greatly change the way state and local government procure cloud services."

Tuesday, 17 January 2012

BYOD 3 – When the possibility becomes a demand

Humans are by nature creatures of habits and have been for ages. They like to know what to do tomorrow, next week and next month. Some people like it more monotonically some like it more varied. During the last decades the staffing business and independent contracting has made big entrances to the market. This type of employment fits some people better some worse. (I won’t go into the staffing business market and independent contracting but on a brief level I think they are devastating to people. Read my first sentences and you understand why. ) Normally young people are more or less forced into this type of employment. On the other hand it can be a gold mine if you are really good on something but then you most probably also has a buffer when between assignments because of the good salary. But in most cases people like to be permanently employed. It is safer and you know what to do tomorrow, next week and next month as long as you do your work, behaves and the company works ok.

Saturday, 14 January 2012


Have you noticed the 2.0’s? The 2.0’s equal to ‘now we’ve really been thinking about the semi good basic thing called nothing special because it really wasn’t possible to “versionize”.’ The 2.0’s equal to ‘well let’s shape up the thing to expected and supposed level and call it 2.0, everyone will love this.’

Well, the first times it popped up it felt fresh, maybe even a little bit cool. But start to think about it, taste it. Does it really work in the long term? I think it’s too obvious the 2.0 "baptizers" (market department?) didn’t think well enough.

Isn’t this just - evolution?

My point is; there are some basic types of things and activities which aren’t possible to put in to versions. Some examples: car, job, person, name etc. 2.0’s without a real or a planned successor stops at 2.0 and it only shows we had to call it 2.0 to be able to express ‘we’re better now, trust us. Now; what could possibly go wrong?!’. Will you be more successful if you call it 2.0 instead of just shaping up the function, activity or thing which are not working well enough or more possibly how it was supposed to work from the beginning? What’s the next step? 3.0? ‘Now we are really good.’ Eh… It’s a dead end. Things can evolve without putting them in to versions.

Use 2.0 when you have an unnamed version or a 1.x and the 2.0 is the successor and when you have a plan for a 2.x and 3.x in the future. Also when you can point at a specific procedure or standard. Don’t use 2.0 when you just want to tell ‘now we do it a little bit better’. It’s just so transparent.

Think before you start numbering!

By the way; I’m waiting for earth 2.0…

/Max (1.0)

Thursday, 12 January 2012

'Businesses Don't Fail - Leaders Do' by Mike Myatt

Friday the 13th tomorrow. As with the post #CloudWisdom 13 you get luck.

Salute to the post 'Businesses Don't Fail - Leaders Do' by Mike Myatt (@mikemyatt) on It's great check list for all:

- Board members analyzing their appointed management team.
- Employees evaluating its employer.
- Customers evaluating its providers.
- CxO's and management teams to verify their management.

Short break out:

"Why do businesses fail? If you’re willing to strip away all the excuses, explanations, rationalizations, and justifications for business failures, and be really honest in your analysis, you’ll find only one plausible reason -poor leadership. I’ve often said that real leaders refuse to take the credit for success, but they will always accept responsibility for failures. Harsh? Yes; but it goes with the territory."

I would say you could fail in only a few...if any...

Enjoy a really good read.

Tuesday, 10 January 2012

#CloudWisdom 13

Will this be the unlucky 13th #CloudWisdom? No, this time you are really lucky!

Does cloud mean you’re being all left alone? No support? No SLA?


Answer: No.

There are tons of excellent cloud SP, -integrators and -“supporters” available to help you adopt and support the cloud.


Monday, 9 January 2012

#CloudWisdom 12

CIO is one of the key positions in cloud adoption.

Strenghten your CIO's position in the management group. Support is needed from the IT operations department, the management group and the organisation. You won't succed in cloud if you don't translate tech to business and business to tech.

Thursday, 5 January 2012

About the vehemence...

I’ve been thinking more about the Kusnetzky-post and my earlier comments posted on ZDNet and as a post on In Max Mind.

What is the vehemence really about?

Is it so that technicians know something about security, availability, consequences that the management level doesn’t know or understand? If so; please tell us. Also tell the cloud technicians so they can build good, secure, reliable and available services.

Is it so that technicians don’t want to kill their darlings? No, or at least I want to think a modern technician don’t have problem doing that. Technicians are normally eager to find the best solution. And todays technician are skilled to give and take help from colleagues, update and read knowledge bases etc to find a fast, good and the best solution to an issue or need.

At the same time; are the management level too eager to save money and doesn’t see the problem integrations and federation might cause, also the talent of orchestration it takes provide services from different sources or vendors. On top of this the concerns about security.

But really, why would companies like IBM and Microsoft go for the cloud if it wasn’t good? Because of Google? Don’t think so. Google is very much a threat to them. But nor Google, Microsoft or IBM are fools, nor the people working there. Of course they will do the very best, like the IT department, to bring good IT-services to their customers. And they are quite competent companies…

I think you as an IT department should think about cloud as one way of delivering good IT services to your business. Not the only way but definitely one way. You have to adopt the ones suiting your business even if you could build it yourself. There will be a break between IT departments and management level if IT departments only plays defense. The management level will always win and might choose the wrong (a non-suitable) cloud service if the IT department doesn’t act as advisors and take responsibility.

As I commented to the Kusnetzky-post; the CIO role is so important. CIO’s should be given a strong position in the C-series. The management group should give the best support to the CIO. Also the IT department should give the very best support to the CIO. Trim the processes to find the best and fastest way to benchmark and qualify services to your solution.

I wouldn’t feel comfortable if letting the management team buy services. The management team know how to make business. The IT department should support them in this and bring IT to the best value (price, quality, availability). Start adopting when it’s good.