Friday, 24 February 2012

BYOD-commented...I couldn't resist

Sorry, but I couldn't resist to comment another BYOD-post. Why? Because it was really good and spot on it why BYOD, not consumerization, might not be thats success everyone's buzzing about.

The post: 'BYOD: Good for whom exactly?' by Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols on Computerworld.

Short breakout:
"It would be one thing if companies paid for users' personal equipment and services, but I really fear BYOD is becoming just another way to shift costs off the company budget and onto employee's backs. Worse still, I can see BYOD actually blocking people from being hired.
So, even though I'm a BYOD user through and through, I can't really get behind the idea that BYOD is that great an idea for everyone."
My comment:

First; great read.
I’ve promised myself to not comment or write any more “negative” posts about BYO. I don’t want to become the “old grumpy guy”, but BYO has become my windmill (Don Quijote) for the moment. But finally I’ve found some guys who been doing some thinking, beyond the possibility. My point is that almost everyone points to the choice of freedom but never takes the time to think of the possible consequences of implementing a BYO-program.
My biggest concern is when the possibility becomes a demand. When the employer demands you to bring a device and the different between keeping the job is a golden support contract connected to the device.
I’m pro consumerization and evolution but I’m not that keen to BYO. Instead of a BYO I think companies should consider to implement a wider device policy a CYO (Choose Your Own)-program where employees can choose from a ending list of devices (smartphones, pads, PC, Mac etc.).
If you want to read more about my BYOD opinions you can find them on Latest post is the “Last windmill attack!”. But it seems it didn’t become the last one… I couldn’t resist… ;)
Short break out from “Last windmill attack!”:
“My biggest concerns with BYOD are:
- When it becomes an employer demand that you should bring it and no longer is a possibility.
- Who are able to bring their devices – “the cool guys”?
- Will the support contract connected to your device be equal to keeping your employment or not?
- The IMHO administrative mess.
- Why people should bring devices. Don’t employers earn the money to provide it, isn’t that included in budget? Shouldn’t then the employer get paid and the company board higher the company revenue demand?
With these bullets I stop the main attack. But please keep them in mind.Other people’s concerns seems to be more at risks like management systems, company data access on private devices and how to access the company services. My opinion; these are all techniques and policies issues which can be solved.”

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