Friday, 30 March 2012
#CloudWisdom 18
Taking the position as beeing the one not to blame because of "not invented here / don't blame me, the idea wasn't mine" isn't very innovative or wise. Deal with the cloud and find good solutions and services in a controlled manner. Fragmented adoption will not gain the company nor will defending darlings and tech invented ways of how the business should work do.
My comment to 'Cloud: disruptive good, disruptive bad'
My comment to the post 'Cloud: disruptive good, disruptive bad' by Phil Wainewright on ZDNet.
Short break out from Phil's post:
Short break out from Phil's post:
"With cloud, the tables have finally turned on the technologists. Adoption of cloud in the enterprise is disruptive in a bad way for IT and in a good way for business. For everyone in IT, it means radical changes to working practices and learning many new skillsets, while existing skills become redundant, sometimes overnight. Today’s old-fashioned jobs are in fields such as database administration, server management and systems integration, with many organisations handing over those tasks wholesale to cloud providers who can automate them at scale. While IT suffers, the business finds cloud brings vastly improved productivity to existing skills while adding huge new opportunities for innovation and business development."My comment to the post, or rather my comment to the post and the comments:
Wednesday, 28 March 2012
What would you like to read about?
What would you like to read about the next time you visit InMaxMind? Three alternatives:
Please pick one and tell.
- National cloud lock in
- Cloud washing. Does it really matter...whether it's washed or not? Votes: 3
- Free versus signed
Please pick one and tell.
Monday, 26 March 2012
”Citrix? Whew!” Or?
This is a translated and modified version of the post ‘”Citrix? Usch!” Eller?’ (in Swedish) published originally in TeleComputing News No 1 2012.
A good cons and pros post about VDI I also want to recommend is ‘The Pros and Cons of Using Virtual Desktop Infrastructure’ published on PCWorld by Logan Harbaugh.
Several times I‘ve heard comments like ”no, we don’t want to use Citrix, it’s slow and works bad” or ”we know your services are great but don’t say Citrix, it’s a bad word in our company”. I’ve been thinking about this attitude a lot of times because my experience is not the same, rather the reversed.
A good cons and pros post about VDI I also want to recommend is ‘The Pros and Cons of Using Virtual Desktop Infrastructure’ published on PCWorld by Logan Harbaugh.
Several times I‘ve heard comments like ”no, we don’t want to use Citrix, it’s slow and works bad” or ”we know your services are great but don’t say Citrix, it’s a bad word in our company”. I’ve been thinking about this attitude a lot of times because my experience is not the same, rather the reversed.
Friday, 23 March 2012
My friend Mikael, the carpenter...
I’ve talked about Mikael before. I’ve known him since I was six and he’s still one of my best friends. He works as a carpenter and I think he’s really good. I know this because I met a lot of carpenters and seen some really bad ones on TV, so I know what I’m talking about. He helps me building and always gives me good advice when I need them…and I need them. He’s effective, productive and solves problems during projects. He propose solutions and propose other solutions if my ideas are bad or doesn’t work. Yes, I’m more of an esthete than him so sometimes I reject his proposals… Mikael shakes his head… but he always makes my dream come true as long as it doesn’t risk anything.
Yesterday I talked to Mikael about a building two walls in the garden. I asked him: “Do you think one bag of concrete (20-25 kg mix) is good enough for each pole?” Mikael: “Nooo…. You know, when the wind starts to blow… its quite powerful… you should dig quite deep and use quite a lot of concrete. But, don’t you have something to fasten and secure it to, like…the house?”
Yesterday I talked to Mikael about a building two walls in the garden. I asked him: “Do you think one bag of concrete (20-25 kg mix) is good enough for each pole?” Mikael: “Nooo…. You know, when the wind starts to blow… its quite powerful… you should dig quite deep and use quite a lot of concrete. But, don’t you have something to fasten and secure it to, like…the house?”
Thursday, 22 March 2012
#CloudWisdom 17
How do you lock in your customer without locking them in?
- Governance – key key KEY
- Innovations and continuously improvement
- Listen to and talk with the customer
- Be a trusted advisor
Wednesday, 21 March 2012
+ the Cloud LESS control button
Success in cloud adoption; let go of detailed control.
A fact is that IT as a Service keeps taking market shares. The services are delivered as traditional SaaS, from a Managed- / Service Provider or as cloud services. We see growths in areas like IaaS and especially PaaS when application providers and vendors put applications in the cloud. But the speed is not what many expect. What’s causing this? I’ve been doing some thinking.
Success in cloud adoption; let go of detailed control.
A fact is that IT as a Service keeps taking market shares. The services are delivered as traditional SaaS, from a Managed- / Service Provider or as cloud services. We see growths in areas like IaaS and especially PaaS when application providers and vendors put applications in the cloud. But the speed is not what many expect. What’s causing this? I’ve been doing some thinking.
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Shoe service description and SLA? This + brand, store and receipt is my agreement for buying a shoe. The agreement should also guarantee my choices: no children, environment-friendly transportations etc. If textile inside it doesn’t meet SLA I will return it. I shouldn’t care about transportation, logistics, sewing machines etc. IT is far more complicated but principle is the same. |
Thursday, 15 March 2012
"Citrix? Usch!" Eller?
Below is my post about Citrix from TeleComputings newsletter No 1 2012. I will translate it to English and do some modification as soon as possible. The title will be like '"Citrix? Wheh!" Or?'
Är Citrix = usch och vad beror då upplevelserna som jag tidigare nämnde på?
Tillfällena är många där jag hört kommentaren ”nej, vi vill inte köra Citrix, det fungerar så dåligt” eller ”vi vet att ni har bra tjänster men säg inte Citrix, det är ett skällsord här”. Och jag har funderat många gånger på varför, för min upplevelse och erfarenhet är inte densamma utan egentligen helt tvärtom.
Nu kanske du tänker ”ja vad skulle han annars säga” med tanke på att TeleComputing i mångas ögon är synonymt med Citrix-lösningar. Men ni som känner mig samt läser mina inlägg här och där vet att jag inte hissar upp något som inte bör hissas upp eller skräder orden när jag tycker något är fel. Jag gillar virtuella arbetsplatser. Sen lång tid tillbaka är det Citrix som gjort virtuella arbetsplatsleveranser möjliga på ett bra sätt, om än konkurrensen stadigt ökar på marknaden. Och Citrix är även en del av vårt unika koncept OnDemand som förra året förärades med en ny plattform (= ny och förbättrad teknik, tjänster, processer och funktioner).
Är Citrix = usch och vad beror då upplevelserna som jag tidigare nämnde på?
TeleComputing News No 1 2012 (in Swedish)
Wednesday, 14 March 2012
Yesterday I visited Cisco Plus 2012 in Stockholm. Of course with focus on network and communication. Also big focus on BYO, virtual desktops, video and UC which all are close related to network and communication.
Today I read a post about IT departments and leaders who are worried over cloud and video bandwidth demands (‘IT stressed over cloud and video bandwidth demands’ by Brandon Butler on InfoWorld.
Last week I visited NetApp Innovation 2012 in Stockholm. Focus of course on storage and Big Data.
Yesterday on the Cisco event I got this re-Eureka! moment again. “Network, communication and storage are so important. How can I forget? I wonder if everyone understands how important good, fast and reliable infrastructure services are.”
Today I read a post about IT departments and leaders who are worried over cloud and video bandwidth demands (‘IT stressed over cloud and video bandwidth demands’ by Brandon Butler on InfoWorld.
Last week I visited NetApp Innovation 2012 in Stockholm. Focus of course on storage and Big Data.
Yesterday on the Cisco event I got this re-Eureka! moment again. “Network, communication and storage are so important. How can I forget? I wonder if everyone understands how important good, fast and reliable infrastructure services are.”
Tuesday, 13 March 2012
Top Cloud Tweeters to follow
Maildistiller (@maildistiller) presented the post 'Top Cloud Tweeters to follow' on maildistiller.
Breakout and motivation:
Breakout and motivation:
"CloudComputing is one hashtag that seems to be applied to almost every tweet that arrives on our Twitter stream. So how do you know which ones are worth the effort of that extra click? I decided to use the @Maildistiller Twitter stream as the basis of a little experiment in an attempt to uncover which #CloudComputing tweeters are ahead of the pack and making the sort of noise that leans towards the retweetable.
Monday, 12 March 2012
#CloudWisdom 16
Is adoption of cloud equal to put everything in the cloud?
Answer: No. You should adopt services which make you more productive, efficient, you can evolve with and cause you less headache compared to hosting them on prem.
Systems that works ok on prem and is not better fulfilled by a cloud service should remain on prem...until a better solution is available.
Cloud services should kill your pains, not reversed.
Answer: No. You should adopt services which make you more productive, efficient, you can evolve with and cause you less headache compared to hosting them on prem.
Systems that works ok on prem and is not better fulfilled by a cloud service should remain on prem...until a better solution is available.
Cloud services should kill your pains, not reversed.
Thursday, 8 March 2012
5 innovative bullets
Today I visited the NetApp event on Berns, Stockholm. The great closing session was by the Swedish trendspotter and futurologist Magnus Lindkvist (@TrendyMagnus (worth the follow)). He gave us 5 innovative bullets and keys to success (translated):
- look forward
- mix ideas
- be experimenting
- recycle failures
- be patient
A bit cliché but; think out of the box!
Thank you NetApp for a great event.
- look forward
- mix ideas
- be experimenting
- recycle failures
- be patient
A bit cliché but; think out of the box!
Thank you NetApp for a great event.
Tuesday, 6 March 2012
Would you bet on your security?
Read the post 'Most IT professionals wouldn't bet on security of own networks: report' by Rachel King, @zdnetrachel, on ZDNet.
Short break out from the end of the post:
Short break out from the end of the post:
So, if IT security professionals are this skeptical about the security of corporate networks, how much trust can the rest of us reasonably place when accessing these networks — whether it be with personal or work devices?
Monday, 5 March 2012
End of PC era?
Earlier this evening I commented the teasing post "Windows 8 Proves That The Death Of The PC Is Greatly Exaggerated" by Erik Kain (@erikkain) on Forbes.
Short break out:
Short break out:
"Every now and then we hear rumors of the death of the PC. The rise of the tablet, and especially the iPad, makes these rumors far more common. Take this article in the New York Times, titled “As New iPad Debut Nears, Some See Decline Of PC.”
To be fair, it’s a reasonably balanced article, noting in the end that it’s much more likely that tablets and PCs will simply become more indistinguishable.
"10 low-stress jobs for IT pros" commented
Delivered a provocative comment to "10 low-stress jobs for IT pros" by Justin James on TechRepublic.
Short break out:
Short break out:
"It is hard to say that there are any truly low-stress or stress-free jobs in the IT industry. IT workers operate on tight deadlines, mistakes can take entire companies down (or worse), and there never seem to be enough people to do the job. To make it even harder, IT pros are often asked to work with and even take direction from people who really have no clue about the technical details. But it is still possible to have a job in the IT industry that reduces many or even most of these pain points. Here are 10 IT industry jobs with relatively low stress levels."My comment:
I won't discuss the stress factor for each one of the mentioned or other not mentioned.Note! I know IT jobs are more or less stressful and I don't downplay any role or the issue people are stressed at work. Just looking at it from another perspective and to provocate a bit.
Look at it from a customer perspective on no 2-10. Create a less stressed organization: outsource and / or buy and adopt ITaaS / cloud... Stop in-housing these type of resources and roles. Make the stress / no stress situations the service providers pleasant responsibility.
I know I'm generalizing and making it easy for me and easy for others "attacks" and opinions.
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