Thursday, 6 October 2011

DaaS, Part 2 (2 of 3) – what happens when you provide it with a Microsoft OS?

Recap DaaS, Part 2 (1 of 3) : As an MSP you have to use licenses from the SPLA Program if you want to offer solutions based on Microsoft software which also includes licenses.

Windows 7 Enterprise
As a MSP you want to offer services and solutions which bring the best value to the customer and the best business for the MSP. Best value to a customer (small, SME/-B or Ent) is offering Microsoft Windows 7 Enterprise as the OS in a complete managed DaaS. It offers features lower versions don’t. This is a breakout from a Microsoft website about Windows 7 Enterprise:

As you can see Microsoft says “unique technology for enterprise customers” and “with Windows 7 Enterprise, you can take advantage of the following features that are not available in Windows 7 Professional”. Note! “…not available in Windows 7 Professional”.

A true complete managed DaaS should be based on Windows 7 Enterprise and not on Professional. You have the great and professional features listed above where I want to highlight especially DirectAcess but also the BranchCache, Federated Search, BitLocker + TG and AppLocker…and then why not mention the other two great VDI opt and Multilingual UI. They are all features companies should take part of. But they a complet managed DaaS.

Tomorrow: DaaS, Part 2 (3 of 3 ) -‘The issue’

All articles in my special DaaS story:
DaaS, Part 1 – do we all mean the same thing?
DaaS, Part 2 (1 of 3) – what happens when you provide it with a Microsoft OS?
DaaS, Part 2 (2 of 3) – what happens when you provide it with a Microsoft OS?
DaaS, Part 2 (3 of 3) – what happens when you provide it with a Microsoft OS?

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